Tuesday, May 19, 2009


My tantrum passed and I am better.

It was merely a lapse of judgement or too much of it that led me to throw a fit and shake my fist in the air. Of course, that's just a figure of speech. I usually sulk until I reach some sort of boiling point and then burst to tears.

Crisis averted.



The movie buff in us emerged after hibernation and we watched Angels and Demons, X-Men: Wolverine and Star Trek. I must say I'm impressed by the last one - not a dull moment. X-men was such a disappointment that I only got excited when Agent Zero was there. :D

Anyway, more to look forward to. I just hope J doesn't become a traitor and see Transformers without me. Hmp. This week will hopefully be Terminator and in a few months, G.I. Joe.


Two more night shifts to survive. If only my last night shift would be the model of how night shifts would go, I wouldn't mind. :D

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