Monday, June 11, 2007

wedding plans

No, I'm not getting married yet. I just thought I'd get that out of the way.

On our way home, my friends and I talked about what kind of details are needed to have a decent wedding. I've never been one to constantly think of how it will be like. I'm the complete opposite of that girl in the movie The Wedding Planner. I don't have a book of cut-out pages from a bridal magazine or even a theme that I must have. I even cringe at the idea of everyone looking at me/us for the entire time.

One of them decided that a cherry blossom theme would suffice while a message-in-a-bottle seems like a romantic ide
a imagined by the other. I joked that if I get married first, one of those will definitely be mine. That just shows my lack of creativity. This is how our conversation went:

me: In my wedding, you guys will have to wear rainbow-coloured dresses. I can't have you looking prettier than me.

friend: I'm not getting married. Live-in sounds like a good idea.

friend: I'm only inviting 25 people. That's it.

friend: I don't need flowers. Who cares? All I need is one for myself.

him: Do you want to get married?
me: No, not right now.
him: When?
me: You don't know me yet. Trust me, you don't want that.
him: What makes you say that?
me: And besides you're not ready yet.
him: Umm..yes I am.
Whatever. [giggles]
him: I'm serious.
me: Ask me again when you know for sure I'll say yes.
him: That's what scares me. You might not say yes.
me: Then I guess you better make sure that it is the right time.
him: ...

(I'm really sweet. Errr.)

The picture was taken during Luminato. There were 20 high-powered beams controlled by 10 sensors that translates the heartbeat of the person holding the controller into how the light will move and flicker. I could have stayed up hours and hours just looking at it. The Brazilian drummers (I think) also played a couple of stimulating musical beats that attracted a lot of body-shakers. Haha.

Really, no plans of getting married yet. No matter how many times people ask. I'm sure the phrase never say never might come up but really. Errr.


North said...

If I may say, you're kind of too young to be thinking about getting married at this time. :)

Anyway, I emailed you my questions through your Yahoo address. Hope you get it. Just tell me if it didn't reach you. Will resend.

blueskies said...

oh i don't have any plans of getting married any time soon. hahaha. as i keep telling people, i can barely take care of myself/keep my room clean...sooo i'm not ready for that. besides, i want to do other things first. :D

i didn't get the questions. :( i'll just leave my email on your blog.

Anonymous said...

i'm with your friend. live-in sounds better, though i doubt my parents would see it that way. hehe.

most girls seem to want to get married at 26 while the guys usually hit 30 to consider. meh. my friend split with his gf because of that whole thing.

but anyway. best wishes on the exam you just took. that's the only thing you really have to care about right now and that's great. :D

blueskies said...

haha. yeah..i think the idea is "frowned" upon. i was convinced that living in first is a practical decision. hmmm.

that's true. i kind of considered that age to be "stable" especially financially. but really...they broke up because of that? eek.

Anonymous said...

the girl wanted to get married already. both are 26, so that means my guy friend is still not thinking about it. :d

blueskies said...

ohhh. that's really unfortunate though. :(

no compromise eh? sighhh.

Anonymous said...

I got your email address correctly now. Hope you get the questions. :)