Tuesday, March 24, 2009

breaking up is hard to do

How do you break up with someone you love?

I know that's a stupid question because there's a million and one reason why someone would break up with their significant other and another million or so ways of doing it but it's hard to actually go through it. At least that would be the case if even when doing so, you still love the person. If the love is gone then it could be as easy as hanging up the phone and saying goodbye.

I've attempted to break up with J for different reasons and everytime I fail. It's not only because I'm weak but I think it's also because I know it's not good enough to leave someone for it. Tonight was the same thing all over again. I even said that it has to be the worst break-up because he believed that he had a choice in the matter. If we all have a choice about break-ups, there would be less couples going through with it and well, more unhappy people going about a forced relationship.

J and I are different and the same at the same time. I feel that we balance each other without being the extreme opposite. It is this balance that makes this relationship work.

I need to work on something as much as he needs to change his ways. Afterall, we all need to compromise. I just hope that things do change because even I would dread the day that I have to go through it. Eek.

In any case, it would be hard to call him by his name again. I try to do so when we're in public and I feel like it's someone else. I also find it weird when he says my name. :S

Yummy for the day: Thai version of turon (with jackfruit) and green tea ice cream on the side

Things to buy: new nursing shoes (preferably the same Nike pair I have for outside), nursing bag (that would fit more baon and clothes), pasalubong, gift for my sister (she's requesting something nice and expensive)


Anonymous said...

eww jackfruit! ewwww...

no break ups please! imagine all the talks we had about this...and u're just gonna break up?! hahaha!! somewhere down the road, if u just hold on to what you think is more important then i'm sure u'll get ur resolution! heee heeee

ewww jackfruit!!

blueskies said...

but its sooo good! what's so bad about jackfruit?! what do u have against it huh? huh! :S

i know... trying to fix it. i swear....

he's more than patient with my craziness soooo i'm giving him another chance and i guess another chance for myself to not be so needy too. ack.

Anonymous said...

hi...if i am not mistaken...you used to be in my blog "circle" during the blog city heydays... if you are, well, just trying to get in touch. If not, what the heck!!

Hmmm...to put my two cents worth... relationships require a lot of love to make it work...crazy insensible unselfish love. Truth of the matter is that in the long run, it does go downhill...so make sure you're not wasting your time by being certain of this. If you feel it's worth working it out and that you'll find nobody within your lifetime that compares to him, then go ahead and work it out...but then of course...what do i know??? :-)

blueskies said...

I have this hope that things are suppose to stay the same, lovey-dovey and all. Hahaha. Of course that's the happily-ever-after in me talking but the reality is, it does go "downhill". I guess we just show our love differently as the years go by - if not more practically. Erm.

But I know that he is who I want. Even though he has flaws, I probably have more and so far, he hasn't ask to break up yet because of them.

Here's to hoping to more years :D

(and I did lose a few links after blogcity shutdown. :( so hi again if anything. hehe)