Friday, March 20, 2009

good cop, bad cop

Let's get this out of the way first - I can be lazy and there are days I don't want to go to work. If I can say so, I even have days I would beg to cut my 12 hours into 8 just to lessen the suffering. Erm. Suffering is a strong word but I can't find any other term at the moment. Don't get me wrong, nursing is fulfilling and I do enjoy it but when I need a break, I need a break.

In saying that, I don't understand people who have no work ethics. Nursing, and I'm sure a lot of other jobs too, is not the type of work that you can just say "oh well, I woke up late - maybe I don't need to show up". In an environment when team work is important, it is very much frowned upon. Of course, that is an understatement. Everyone needs a "mental health day" or a sick day but to call it as such every time is just laughable.

Tomorrow, I will have to confront someone who's doing this and I will have to think of few choice words to say. We all have reasons but sometimes, when our reasons sounds like lame excuses, it's time for change. :S


I am 1.5 pounds closer to 100 pounds. Haha. It's embarrasing to say how much I really weight but who cares. Maybe by the end of the month, I'll be closer and closer to my desired weight. :D


Favourite snack at the moment: Celery sticks drenched with Caesar dressing :D
The quest for the best strawberry shake/smoothie continues...


I have yet to buy my sister a gift and it's been a week since her birthday. Erm. My need/want for shopping has diminished quite a lot these past few weeks. If I can just force myself to go to the mall, maybe I'll find something good.


Anonymous said...

wow its better than before! werent u like 95lbs before... hahahaha keep at it! get fat fat fat!!! be soo fattt that i wont even talk to u anymore coz ur sooo fatttttt!!!

blueskies said...

i knowww. i hope it wasn't my stethoscope and stuff in my pocket that gave me much needed weight. :P

mean. hmp.