Sunday, March 1, 2009

fifteen minutes of...

Fame? Nope.

Pleasure? Not necessarily.

Pain? Not exactly.

Relief? Yes!


Every once in a while, we are blessed with a 15 minute massage while at work. It is either done as a pat-on-the-back for a job well done or an incentive to keep going. :S



These golden minutes are enough for the masseur to tell you that you have been straining your lower back and shoulder muscles from the heavy lifting you do at work and the bad posture you have been accustomed to since who knows when. You also kind of wonder to yourself too when you can use old age as an excuse for this pain and not just because of bad body mechanics. Fortunately, you have a chance to listen to relaxing music with your face down on this weird chair you have to awkwardly straddle and try to forget work even for a moment. Fifteen minutes passes by in a blink of an eye and you almost want to beg for more. Sigh.

Fastforward to two days and you still have a sore back from the pressure applied by the masseur to take out the knots in your muscles as he pondered whether you have a curved spine. (I am still convincing myself that I have a straight spine contrary to his observation.) Hmp.


I still have a few hundred dollars worth of massage this year if I actually use my benefit but laziness is more than enough reason not to visit my doctor for a prescription. Besides, I still need to completely get over this soreness before I embark on a whole hour of pain relief followed by a few days off discomfort. :S


hufana said...

Ohhh I thought I was the only one who experienced discomfort after getting a massage.

But then again, I had an hour-long massage, and the lady who massaged me told me that I've got to be the most "stressed" amongst everyone she ever massaged. (She said my shoulders were really stiff.) T___T

Massage is good.

Anonymous said...

getting old. eat more and get fat! hahaha!

blueskies said...

i read somewhere that you're suppose to relax after a massage and even the day after to recover. that means i'll need to take a day off work - any reason would be great. hehe. i'll have to try an hour long then!

quarter life crisis, here i come! but no, you're older :P