Monday, April 20, 2009

all out

I don't like working weekends and nights.

It's really unfortunate because I get paid more for doing so. As much as I need more money to support my various endeavours in life, I have managed to somewhat stick to my budget and keep my credit cards (mostly) in the zero balance state every month. This means that if and when I need to cut my 12 hour shift to 8 hours when the offer comes along, I am in liberty to do so. This week, I'll be 8 hours short on my pay and that will translate to a dent in my pay I will try to ignore. Haha.
me: Is there anything else I can do for you before I leave?
patient: Oh no. That`s it, thank you.
family member: Wait, I have a question. Are you always this cheery?
me: I try. It`s too nice outside to not be happy.
All along, the turtle had a plan. Day by day, he studied his environment and attempted a few times to escape the tiny aquarium that`s keeping him and another confined but well fed. Then last night, the great escape finally happened. He was nowhere to be found and even the cover of the aquarium looked as if it was untouched.

I admire him for this courage and his need to get out.

Unfortunately, there`s a reason why he`s in that tiny box. After minutes of searching, he was found in a carpetted corner hoping to go unnoticed.

I`m sure he`s back there, thinking of a new plot to disappear again.


jello said...

hahahah i like that turtle! so smart! though i was afraid he was found dead...hahaha!!!! lapit na bday mo! pa burger ka naman!!!

blueskies said...

i was so scared i was gonna step on him and then it'll be in my conscience that i killed the smart turtle!

burger will be mailed soon. :P